Oops - a whole week gone by and I've neglected my blog. Sorry, dear followers. But a large yellow thing called The Sun (or so I'm told) has appeared unexpectedly in the sky, causing havoc with my normal troglodyte activities. Service has been resumed...
So..rejection. Are you sick of it? Do you cringe whenever you see an email in your inbox or hear the thud of mail on the mat? I have a fat file of rejection letters which I fondly think of as my battle trophies. Seems you can't really call yourself a writer without them, as this article would seem to prove. There is some comfort in knowing the Great and the Good suffered the same indignity as we lesser mortals. So take heart and look on every rejection as a step along a rocky road to success.
I love that they're your battle trophies! I keep all of mine as well, just so that I remember how far I've come. I am like Dory from finding Nemo: Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!
I'm too disorganised to print out and keep my rejection emails... I do get disheartened with rejections. But it makes the acceptances that much sweeter ^.^
Rejection letters are immediately torn into 3 strips and then used for shopping lists - otherwise I'd be knee deep in them if kept them all!
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